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Re as “Respect“.
Respect for the world we live in, for the people who live there and for those who will be. This is our guiding principle, all of our ideas come from this. We think that today we can’t delay any longer our efforts to save our planet. Today we have the technologies, the know-how and the knowledge that enable us to act. We have already heard too many words, we have decided to act concretely to be part of a changing that we hope could soon become a green revolution.
Re as “Reduce”.
This is the point from we have to start in order to reach our simple but complex target: reducing as much as possible our impact on the world. Specifically we intend to reduce the use of non renewable sources and the overall energy amount required by our activities. The use of post consumer recycled plastics goes this way, since it helps to use less non renewable sources and requires less energy to obtain it.
Re as “Recycle”.
Recycle raw materials otherwise destined for disposal in landfill or incinerator. This is the primary added value with which the Re-ZEMA line was born years ago and with which we still make products not part of the ECOZEMA line today. The products are obtained with plastic materials deriving from post-consumer waste collection and are used 100% as they are. Bottles, other containers for liquids, caps, fruit and vegetable boxes and many other products come back to life in our articles.
Re as “Re-Think”.
To re-think all our actions from the point of view of environmental and social sustainability. This is our challenge, making our everyday acts become a wide amount of efforts to help the environment. Our commitment is not visible only in our products but in every aspect of the company that is constantly analyzed to improve step by step.
Re as “Re-Design”.
Redesign products with all the previous principles in mind. Recycled materials first of all, but also reduction of the raw materials used for production. Biopolymers and other compostable materials that can be disposed of in organic recycling at the end of their life. Single-material products, to facilitate differentiation at the end of their life, provide clear indications on disposal with instructions and symbols to undoubtedly identify the materials used. We also try to reduce the material used for product packaging and use only compostable materials for packaging.